Published inQuestersBest practices when managing a Work from Home teamIn the recent years, an increasing number of companies are looking towards, and integrating temporary work from home policies. It won’t…Oct 19, 2023Oct 19, 2023
Published inQuestersIn-house resources, outsourcing or a dedicated team? Which one should you choose?In this modern age of advanced technology, it is important for all companies to build an online presence or to participate in the…Aug 17, 2023Aug 17, 2023
Published inQuesters6 tips on writing the best CVSpending time writing your CVs is definitely not the most exciting thing to do. But surely, when looking for a new job, making a little…Jul 28, 2023Jul 28, 2023
Published inQuestersThe Bulgarian IT Industry: An Overview (infographic)In recent years, the IT sector in Bulgaria has experienced significant development, which has turned the country into an important tech hub…Jun 15, 2023Jun 15, 2023
Published inQuestersRust: What’s next for the fast-growing programming language?On May 15, 2015, Mozilla released the first version of its modern multi-paradigm programming language, called Rust. It promised to solve…May 18, 2023May 18, 2023
The IT industry in Bulgaria (infographic)With its strategic location, exceptional tech talent and favourable conditions for doing business, Bulgaria is a preferred destination by…Jun 24, 2021Jun 24, 2021
Best practices when managing a Work from Home teamWith the current global situation, an increasing number of companies are looking towards, and integrating temporary work from home…Apr 6, 2020Apr 6, 2020